by | Apr 18, 2013 | Blog, Featured
D&P Construction and JKS Ventures will be closed Thursday April 18th 2013 due to weather. Heavy rains and flooding as well as intermittent power are the cause. Both companies will be open Friday April 19th 2013.
by nicholas | Jan 29, 2013 | Blog
Illinois legislation passes new lisence laws for illegal immigrants. However, state and federal law differ in this subject. Law Enforcement and Immigration in Illinois While immigration license law is a federal issue, most local authorities are considering new...
by nicholas | Jan 28, 2013 | Blog
FMCSA withdraws its August 27, 2012, direct final rule (DFR) amending the definition of ‘‘gross combination weight rating’’ (GCWR) in 49 CFR parts 383 and 390. The DFR would have taken effect on October 26, 2012. However, the Agency received several adverse comments...